Chest Pain

This program, developed by MatheMEDics, is designed to assist in the medical diagnosis of Chest Pain. The program is based on the assumption that Chest Pain is the principal complaint, and that there are no other dominant complaints or symptoms. The reliability of the program obviously depends on the information supplied by the physician and/or patient. Entering incorrect or misleading information will cause erroneous or unreliable results.

THIS PROGRAM DOES NOT MAKE A "DIAGNOSIS," something only a physician can do. It merely lists an estimated order of likelihood and estimates probabilities of diseases or conditions based on its internal logic and your answers to the questions. In addition, the program furnishes a clinical overview of each diagnostic category and in many cases provides related links to other sites. This software has not undergone clinical trials. At this time, MatheMEDics has no information on the statistical accuracy or reliability of the software.

It is the opinion of legal counsel that using stand-alone medical expert system software (programs not controlling medical devices) cannot be construed as the practice of medicine. Still, we must stress this disclaimer: Mathe Medics/Easy Diagnosis MAY NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY MISDIAGNOSIS, DAMAGES, INJURY, OR DEATH OCCURRING TO ANY PATIENT WHOSE FINDINGS ARE ENTERED HEREIN.

The program emphasizes a clinical approach, but it remains, nonetheless, A TEST PROCEDURE. Thus, the physician and/or patient should regard the output of this program the same as he does any test. As always in the practice of medicine


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